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NTNU Samfunnsforskning [590]
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Conflicting norms in Danish and Norwegian educational psychology counselling
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2024)With rising special education expenditures in many countries, educational psychology services (EPS) have been brought to the centre of renewed attention. Educational psychology counselling plays a vital role in facilitating ... -
Challenges and Uncertainties in Violence Risk Assessment: A Critical Examination of Practice and National Recommendations and Advice in Norway’s Specialist Mental Health Services
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2024)In recent years, there have been several serious incidents in Norway where individuals with serious mental disorders have committed murder after being discharged from psychiatric care units. Several of these incidents have ... -
Social license to operate for aquaculture – A cross-country comparison
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2024)Salmon aquaculture production has grown considerably in recent years, and parallel to this growth public in terest in production and product has also increased. In most salmon producing countries there have been reports ... -
The social science of offshore aquaculture: uncertainties, challenges and solution-oriented governance needs
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2024)Aquaculture technology is on the move, enabling production in more open and exposed ocean environments around the world. These new systems offer solutions to environmental challenges facing conventional aquaculture, yet ... -
Selvkost i kommunene – avskrivningstid, kalkylerente og framføringsperiode
(Research report, 2024)Denne rapporten omhandler to hovedtemaer; i) en generell vurdering av levetid for kommunale anleggsmidler opp mot maksimal avskrivningstid i regnskapsforskriften, og ii) en kartlegging og vurdering av selvkost i kommunene. ...