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NTNU Samfunnsforskning [564]
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The aftermath of fatal violence incidents: Why organisational measures were successful and why they their effects diminished
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2024)In 2013, an employee at a human service office in Norway was killed by a service recipient. Fast forward to 2021, another murder took place. As is often the case after recurring unwanted events, questions arose in the ... -
Følgeevaluering av kompetanse for fremtidens barnehage. Delrapport 4. TFoU-rapport 2019:5.
(Research report, 2019)Dette er den fjerde rapporten fra følgeevalueringen av strategien Kompetanse for fremtidens barnehage, med Utdanningsdirektoratet som oppdragsgiver. Rapporten tar for seg to tema: Innholdet i utdanningen Lederutdanning for ... -
The political consequences of technological change that benefits low-skilled workers
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2024)Technological change often increases demand for high-skilled jobs, with low-skilled losers turning to the populist right in response. The political effects of technological change that increases demand for low-skilled ... -
Ett steg fram og to tilbake Demokratiforståelse, holdninger og deltakelse blant norske ungdomsskoleelever
(Research report, 2023)Rapporten presenterer sentrale funn fra den norske delen av ICCS 2022, avgrenset til 1) utviklingstrekk for demokratisk kompetanse – det vil si hvordan norske elever og grupper av elever skårer på ICCS-kunnskapsskalaen, ... -
Emerging geographies in Norwegian mountain areas – Densification, place-making and centrality
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2021)In the mountainous hinterland of Norwegian cities new forms of habitation are emerging through mobility associated with second-home concentrations on mountain slopes. The guiding principle of this tangible spatial development ...