Browsing Samforsk Open by Title
Now showing items 429-448 of 590
Research-based teacher education in Norway – a longitudinal perspective
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2023)Research has been highlighted as a key dimension in the development of teacher education quality. However, there are different understandings of how research is and should be linked to teacher educators’ competence. We ... -
Ressursbruk i levekårsutsatte byområder
(SØF rapport, Research report, 2020)Regjeringen utnevnte i oktober 2018 et ekspertutvalg som skal se på levekårs- og integreringsutfordringer for områder i og rundt de store byene i Norge (By- og levekårsutvalget). Utvalget skal drøfte mulige faresignaler ... -
Restrukturering av norsk VA-bransje og konsekvenser for samfunnssikkerhet
(Research report, 2010)Rapport fra Samrisk prosjektet case på vannforsyningen. -
Rett til spesialundervisning eller rett til deltakelse? : Faktorer som påvirker ekskludering og inkludering i skolen
(Research report, 2017)Denne rapporten er initiert av Norges Handikapforbund (NHF) og Handikappede Barns Foreldreforening (HBF) som fikk finansiering til å gjennomføre et større prosjekt for å sette et nytt offentlig fokus på inkludering av ... -
Rettighetsinngripende tiltak i kommunale botilbud : en nasjonal kartlegging
(Research report, 2017)Denne rapporten er en kartlegging av eventuell bruk av rettighetsinngripende tiltak overfor personer som bor i kommunale og egne boliger og private institusjoner som kommunene har driftsavtale med. Kartleggingen har sin ... -
Retursentre for utreisepliktige. Evaluering av konseptutvikling og etableringsarbeid i Utlendingsdirektoratet
(Research report, 2012)I september 2010 sendte Justis- og politidepartementet ut en pressemelding om at ventemottakene skulle nedlegges og erstattes av retursentre. Sentrene ble ansett som et sentralt element i myndighetenes helhetlige strategi ... -
Revurdering av maktbegrepet i teknologiens tidsalder
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2020) -
Risk in transit: a case study of the introduction of a new risk definition for risk management in the Norwegian petroleum industry
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2023)In 2015, a new risk definition was presented by the Norwegian Petroleum Safety Authority (PSA-N) as a petroleum regulation update and ‘rolled out’ in the PSA-N organisation and the oil and gas industry as a regu latory ... -
Risk influencing factors in maritime accidents : An exploratory statistical analysis of the Norwegian Maritime Authority incident database
(;978-82-7570-428-1, Research report, 2015-11-17)This report is an exploratory statistical analysis of the Norwegian Maritime Authority’s database, using data on groundings, collisions, allisions fires/explosions and some data on capsizings in Norwegian waters from 1981 ... -
Role multiplexity and home-grown resilience: A study of part-time firefighters in rural emergency management
(Chapter, 2018)Role multiplexity and home-grown resilience: A study of part-time firefighters in rural emergency management -
The role of contextual conditions in systems development: The impact of design context on participation in Norwegian Welfare Services
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2023)Human-Computer Interaction and adjacent fields agree that citizen participation is vital in designing digital public services. However, a gap remains between recommendations and how participation is facilitated in practice ... -
The role of local knowledge in snow observation and applied snow avalanche forecasting in Longyearbyen, Svalbard
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2024)In this article, we present the results of our study of knowledge in the actor-network of snow avalanche forecasters and observers in Longyearbyen, Svalbard. Our study aimed to understand how observers and forecasters make ... -
The role of simulators in interdisciplinary medical work
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2020)This article reports from a project introducing a virtual reality simulator with patient-specific input for endovascular aneurysm repair (EVAR) into a surgical environment at a university hospital in Norway during 2016–2019. ... -
Rosa kompetanse barnevern : Evaluering av kompetansehevende tiltak
(Research report, 2019)Denne evalueringen av kompetansehevinstiltaket Rosa kompetanse barnevern er en del av et større forskningsprosjekt om Barnevern i et LHBTI-perspektiv som gjennomføres fra høsten 2018 til sommeren 2020. Prosjektet utføres ... -
Safe housing for a meaningful everyday life
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2023)Abstract: Objective: establishing a safe and worthy place to live is an important step for people struggling with substance abuse and psychiatric disorders. In this project, we have followed Trondheim Munic ipality in the ... -
Safer societies
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2018)Editorial for a special issue on Societal Safety. Discussing the current state of the art, future research challenges and presenting the papers in the special issue. -
Safer societies
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2018)Editorial for a special issue on Societal Safety. Discussing the current state of the art, future research challenges and presenting the papers in the special issue. -
Safety climate and compliance in the Norwegian aquaculture industry - employees’ perceptions at different company levels
(Chapter, 2018)The aquaculture industry is economically important in Norway, and the production is expected to increase in the future. Employees at the fish farms face a high risk of accidents compared to employees in other industries ... -
Safety culture in maritime transport in Norway and Greece: Exploring national, sectorial and organizational influences on unsafe behaviours and work accidents
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2018)Highlights • The study compares crew members on Norwegian and Greek cargo vessels and passenger vessels. • The study examines the influence of national safety culture, sector safety focus and organizational safety culture ...