Browsing Samforsk Open by Author "Almklov, Petter Grytten"
Now showing items 1-20 of 26
Accountability on the Fly - Accounting for Trouble in Space Operations
Almklov, Petter Grytten; Halvorsen, Kristin; Johansen, Jens Petter Kirkhus (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2020) -
False alarm? Effects of reduscing unnecessary dispathces by fire and rescue services.
Gjøsund, Gudveig; Almklov, Petter Grytten; Sesseng, Christian (Chapter, 2018)False alarm? Effects of reduscing unnecessary dispathces by fire and rescue services. -
Fish farmers and regulators coping with the wickedness of aquaculture
Osmundsen, Tonje; Almklov, Petter Grytten; Tveterås, Ragnar (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2017) -
Fra forvaltning til forretning. –Restrukturering av norske nettselskaper og konsekvenser for samfunnssikkerhet
Almklov, Petter Grytten; Antonsen, Stian; Fenstad, Jørn; Jacobsen, Endre; Nybø, Agnes; Kjølle, Gerd (Research report, 2008)Samfunnets avhengighet av kritiske infrastrukturer som vann, elektrisitet og telekommunikasjon gjør oss sårbare for avbrudd i disse, noe som blant annet ble understreket i Willoch-utvalgets rapport ”Et sårbart samfunn”. ... -
From practice to policy — exploring the travel and transformation of energy savings calculations and its implications for future energy transitions
Johansen, Jens Petter; Almklov, Petter Grytten; Skjølsvold, Tomas Moe (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2021) -
How tendering affects the resilience of critical societal functions : a literature review
Slotsvik, Tone Njølstad; Gauteplass, Asle; Haavik, Torgeir Kolstø; Størkersen, Kristine Vedal; Nilsen, Berit Therese; Almklov, Petter Grytten (Chapter, 2020)Functions and services that are particularly important for societal safety, such as transport of critical ill or other lifesaving infrastructures, are critical societal functions. Although many of these services are ... -
IKT, nye grensesnitt og nye sårbarheter?
Almklov, Petter Grytten; Antonsen, Stian; Fenstad, Jørn (Research report, 2010)Hvordan nye teknologier og organisasjonsformer påvirker robusthet og beredskapsevne for IKT-hendelser ved et sykehus. -
Interdisciplinary operational decisions in the subsurface domain: An exploratory discussion of information requirements and support from integrated technologies
Almklov, Petter Grytten (Research report, 2008)Denne rapporten utforsker mulighetene innen IO når det gjelder potensialet for å støtte operasjonelle beslutningsprosesser i reservoardomenet. Utgangspunktet er at modellerings og simuleringsteknologi i dag først og ... -
Making work invisible: New public management and operational work in critical infrastructure sectors
Almklov, Petter Grytten; Antonsen, Stian (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2014)Based on a study of reliability consequences of new public management (NPM) reforms in Norwegian critical infrastructure sectors, this article suggests that the discourse of work found in NPM renders essential aspects of ... -
Normalization of maritime accident data using AIS
Bye, Rolf Johan; Almklov, Petter Grytten (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2019)The Automatic Identification System (AIS), fitted on most ships today, is primarily used for real time ship monitoring. This paper illustrates how stored AIS data can be used to construct activity data that can be used to ... -
NPM, Kritiske infrastrukturer og Samfunnssikkerhet
Almklov, Petter Grytten; Antonsen, Stian; Fenstad, Jørn (Research report, 2011)2. Utgave etter mindre korrigeringer. Sluttrapport i SAMRISK-prosjektet 'Critical infrastructures, public sector reorganization and societal safety. -
Organizational culture and societal safety: Collaborating across boundaries
Almklov, Petter Grytten; Antonsen, Stian; Bye, Rolf Johan; Øren, Anita (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2017)We discuss how cultural boundaries between groups and organizations can affect societal safety. Societal safety is an issue that challenges institutional structures and requires coordination and collaboration among a ... -
Punctuation and extrapolation: representing a subsurface oil reservoir
Almklov, Petter Grytten; Østerlie, Thomas; Haavik, Torgeir K (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2012) -
Re-boxing seamanship: From individual to systemic capabilities
Kongsvik, Trond; Haavik, Torgeir Kolstø; Bye, Rolf Johan; Almklov, Petter Grytten (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2020)Seamanship has been associated with certain individual skills and special knowledge related to navigation, operation and safety of sea-going vessels, but also to expected work ethics and obligations to fellow seamen. The ... -
Regulating the intangible. Searching for safety culture in the Norwegian petroleum industry
Antonsen, Stian; Nilsen, Marie; Almklov, Petter Grytten (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2017)The way organizational culture can influence safety has been a topic in safety research and accident investigations for decades. This has led to an increasing interest from regulators to include the concept of safety culture ... -
Restrukturering av norsk VA-bransje og konsekvenser for samfunnssikkerhet
Almklov, Petter Grytten; Antonsen, Stian; Fenstad, Jørn; Røstum, Jon; Frøydis, Sjøvold; Værnes, Reidun (Research report, 2010)Rapport fra Samrisk prosjektet case på vannforsyningen. -
Revurdering av maktbegrepet i teknologiens tidsalder
Fyhn, Håkon; Røyrvik, Jens Olgard Dalseth; Almklov, Petter Grytten (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2020) -
Role multiplexity and home-grown resilience: A study of part-time firefighters in rural emergency management
Almklov, Petter Grytten; Gjøsund, Gudveig; Nilsen, Marie (Chapter, 2018)Role multiplexity and home-grown resilience: A study of part-time firefighters in rural emergency management -
Safer societies
Almklov, Petter Grytten; Antonsen, Stian; Størkersen, Kristine Vedal; Roe, Emery (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2018)Editorial for a special issue on Societal Safety. Discussing the current state of the art, future research challenges and presenting the papers in the special issue. -
Safer societies
Almklov, Petter Grytten; Antonsen, Stian; Størkersen, Kristine Vedal; Roe, Emery (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2018)Editorial for a special issue on Societal Safety. Discussing the current state of the art, future research challenges and presenting the papers in the special issue.