• A question of power: the politics of kilowatt-hours 

      Haavik, Torgeir Kolstø; Røyrvik, Jens Olgard Dalseth; Lindheim, Catharina (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2017)
      This article builds on long-term, ongoing studies of energy efficiency governance and development projects, and reports from one recent case study of a multi-use area development combining local heating/cooling and district ...
    • How tendering affects the resilience of critical societal functions : a literature review 

      Slotsvik, Tone Njølstad; Gauteplass, Asle; Haavik, Torgeir Kolstø; Størkersen, Kristine Vedal; Nilsen, Berit Therese; Almklov, Petter Grytten (Chapter, 2020)
      Functions and services that are particularly important for societal safety, such as transport of critical ill or other lifesaving infrastructures, are critical societal functions. Although many of these services are ...
    • Re-boxing seamanship: From individual to systemic capabilities 

      Kongsvik, Trond; Haavik, Torgeir Kolstø; Bye, Rolf Johan; Almklov, Petter Grytten (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2020)
      Seamanship has been associated with certain individual skills and special knowledge related to navigation, operation and safety of sea-going vessels, but also to expected work ethics and obligations to fellow seamen. The ...
    • Risk in transit: a case study of the introduction of a new risk definition for risk management in the Norwegian petroleum industry 

      Haavik, Torgeir Kolstø; Kongsvik, Trond Øystein; Vigen, Marius Grefstad (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2023)
      In 2015, a new risk definition was presented by the Norwegian Petroleum Safety Authority (PSA-N) as a petroleum regulation update and ‘rolled out’ in the PSA-N organisation and the oil and gas industry as a regu latory ...
    • The role of simulators in interdisciplinary medical work 

      Haavik, Torgeir Kolstø; Våpenstad, Cecilie (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2020)
      This article reports from a project introducing a virtual reality simulator with patient-specific input for endovascular aneurysm repair (EVAR) into a surgical environment at a university hospital in Norway during 2016–2019. ...
    • Samordnet beredskapsarbeid i Trondheim kommune : Økt trygghet og redusert sårbarhet 

      Antonsen, Stian; Gjøsund, Gudveig; Haavik, Torgeir Kolstø; Størkersen, Kristine Vedal (Research report, 2021)
      Koronakrisen har vært en ekstrem situasjon på mange måter. I tillegg til å være en krise med en uklar begynnelse og slutt, som rammer store deler av verden samtidig, og har en svært høy grad av usikkerhet, innebærer den ...
    • Structures for collaboration and networked adaptation: Emerging themes from the COVID-19 pandemic 

      Antonsen, Stian; Haavik, Torgeir Kolstø; Frykmer, Tove; Gjøsund, Gudveig (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2023)
      The COVID-19 pandemic is a crisis that is “creeping” in its onset and “slow-burning” in its duration. It is characterized by extreme uncertainty, ambiguity, and complexity, presenting an unprecedented need for response ...
    • Variability and resilience in industrial symbiosis for energy exchange 

      Johansen, Jens Petter Kirkhus; Haavik, Torgeir Kolstø (Chapter, 2019)
      While exchange of surplus energy between companies can be economic beneficial and environmentally friendly, such inter-organizational integration of industrial rhythms imposes dependencies and uncertainties for the companies ...