Samforsk Open: Recent submissions
Now showing items 1-20 of 564
The aftermath of fatal violence incidents: Why organisational measures were successful and why they their effects diminished
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2024)In 2013, an employee at a human service office in Norway was killed by a service recipient. Fast forward to 2021, another murder took place. As is often the case after recurring unwanted events, questions arose in the ... -
Følgeevaluering av kompetanse for fremtidens barnehage. Delrapport 4. TFoU-rapport 2019:5.
(Research report, 2019)Dette er den fjerde rapporten fra følgeevalueringen av strategien Kompetanse for fremtidens barnehage, med Utdanningsdirektoratet som oppdragsgiver. Rapporten tar for seg to tema: Innholdet i utdanningen Lederutdanning for ... -
The political consequences of technological change that benefits low-skilled workers
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2024)Technological change often increases demand for high-skilled jobs, with low-skilled losers turning to the populist right in response. The political effects of technological change that increases demand for low-skilled ... -
Ett steg fram og to tilbake Demokratiforståelse, holdninger og deltakelse blant norske ungdomsskoleelever
(Research report, 2023)Rapporten presenterer sentrale funn fra den norske delen av ICCS 2022, avgrenset til 1) utviklingstrekk for demokratisk kompetanse – det vil si hvordan norske elever og grupper av elever skårer på ICCS-kunnskapsskalaen, ... -
Emerging geographies in Norwegian mountain areas – Densification, place-making and centrality
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2021)In the mountainous hinterland of Norwegian cities new forms of habitation are emerging through mobility associated with second-home concentrations on mountain slopes. The guiding principle of this tangible spatial development ... -
The role of local knowledge in snow observation and applied snow avalanche forecasting in Longyearbyen, Svalbard
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2024)In this article, we present the results of our study of knowledge in the actor-network of snow avalanche forecasters and observers in Longyearbyen, Svalbard. Our study aimed to understand how observers and forecasters make ... -
Final Research Evaluation Report of Project Employment : Vocational pathways for high school students with disabilities in Perth
(Research report, 2024)People with disabilities are less likely to be in the labour force and more likely to be unemployed than their non-disabled peers. This is the case in Australia, as elsewhere in the developed world. As employment is the ... -
Taking connectedness seriously. A research agenda for holistic safety and security risk governance
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2024)The geopolitical situation following Russia’s invasion of Ukraine in February 2022 caused instant concern regarding the security of European petroleum infrastructures, with the sabotage against the Nord Stream pipe lines ... -
Measuring Resilience in Long-term Sick-listed Individuals: Validation of the Resilience Scale for Adults
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2023)Return to work from long-term sick leave is influenced by personal and social factors, which can be measured by resilience, a construct that describe healthy adaptation against adversity. This study aimed to validate the ... -
Survey data on public perceptions of salmon aquaculture industry in Norway, Tasmania, and Iceland
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2024)This article presents data collected using online surveys conducted in Norway, Tasmania (Australia) and Iceland, with the aim of exploring public perceptions of the salmon aquaculture industry in each country. A total of ... -
Årlig rapportering om utviklingshemmetes bosituasjon : Utvidet undersøkelse om informasjon i Kommunalt pasient-og brukerregister
(Research report, 2024)Denne rapporten har som mål å undersøke om det er hensiktsmessig å koble Kommunalt pasient og bruker register (KPR) med en allerede identifisert populasjon av utviklingshemmete. Denne populasjonen er identifisert gjennom ... -
Helsehjelp til barn i barnevernet - Behov, barrierer og helsetjenestebruk
(SINTEF AS (ISBN starter med 978-82-14-), Research report, 2024)Hovedmålet med rapporten er å undersøke om barn og unge som enten er i barnevernsinstitusjon, i fosterhjem eller som får tiltak i hjemmet, får den helsehjelpen de trenger. Dette undersøkes i tre delprosjekter. I rapportens ... -
Analyser av Oslo kommunes fordelingssystem: FO4 Sosiale tjenester og ytelser
(SØF rapport (Elektronisk versjon);, Research report, 2023)I denne rapporten analyserer vi fordelingsmodellen for sosiale tjenester og ytelser som benyttes til å fordele budsjettmidler mellom bydeler i Oslo kommune. Datagrunnlaget for de empiriske analysene er i hovedsak ... -
Personal, peaceful, progressive: Integration workers’ narratives of refugee settlement and the rural
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2023)Settlement of refugees in rural areas in Norway is part of a national strategy to counter depopulation and thus links to ideas of revitalization and more promising futures for these areas. It also links up to an idea of ... -
Gaming motivation and well-being among Norwegian adult gamers: the role of gender and disability
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2024)Introduction: Digital gaming is a popular and often social activity, also among adults. However, we need more knowledge of the social dynamics of gaming and its potential benefits for one's well-being. The current study ... -
Structures for collaboration and networked adaptation: Emerging themes from the COVID-19 pandemic
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2023)The COVID-19 pandemic is a crisis that is “creeping” in its onset and “slow-burning” in its duration. It is characterized by extreme uncertainty, ambiguity, and complexity, presenting an unprecedented need for response ... -
Measuring Resilience in Long-term Sick-listed Individuals: Validation of the Resilience Scale for Adults
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2023)Return to work from long-term sick leave is influenced by personal and social factors, which can be measured by resil ience, a construct that describe healthy adaptation against adversity. This study aimed to validate the ... -
Potential safety outcomes of communication difficulties in mixed nationality crews: A study of Greek and Norwegian vessels
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2023)The study examines potential safety outcomes of communication difficulties in mixed nationality crews on Greek and Norwegian cargo and passenger vessels. The aims are to examine the prevalence of unsafe situations due to ... -
Innføring av rammeplan i SFO : Sluttrapport fra evalueringen av de første årene med rammeplan
(Research report, 2024)Rammeplanen for skolefritidsordningen i Norge (SFO) ble innført som forskrift til Opplæringsloven fra og med august 2021. I tiden etter har en forskergruppe fra NTNU Samfunnsforskning AS, NIFU og Stockholms Universitet ... -
Hva er mangfoldledelse og hvordan virker det?
(Research report, 2024)Denne rapporten bygger på prosjektet «Hva er mangfoldsledelse og hvordan virker det». Prosjektet er gjennomført på oppdrag fra Integrerings- og mangfoldsdirektoratet (IMDi) i perioden april 2023 - mars 2024. Formålet med ...