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  • Measuring Resilience in Long-term Sick-listed Individuals: Validation of the Resilience Scale for Adults 

    Standal, Martin Inge; Hjemdal, Odin; Foldal, Vegard; Aasdahl, Lene; Hagen, Roger; Fors, Egil Andreas; Anyan, Frederick (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2023)
    Return to work from long-term sick leave is influenced by personal and social factors, which can be measured by resil ience, a construct that describe healthy adaptation against adversity. This study aimed to validate the ...
  • Helsehjelp til barn i barnevernet - Behov, barrierer og helsetjenestebruk 

    Ådnanes, Marian; Westby, Lena Catherine Lossius; Kaspersen, Silje Lill; Krane, Vibeke; Sommer, Mona; Kaasbøll, Jannike; Bruteig, Rebekka; Halvorsen, Thomas; Thoresen, Stian; Paulsen, Veronika (SINTEF AS (ISBN starter med 978-82-14-), Research report, 2024)
    Hovedmålet med rapporten er å undersøke om barn og unge som enten er i barnevernsinstitusjon, i fosterhjem eller som får tiltak i hjemmet, får den helsehjelpen de trenger. Dette undersøkes i tre delprosjekter. I rapportens ...
  • Potential safety outcomes of communication difficulties in mixed nationality crews: A study of Greek and Norwegian vessels 

    Nævestad, Tor-Olav; Størkersen, Kristine Vedal; Laiou, Alexandra; Yannis, George; Michelaraki, Eva (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2023)
    The study examines potential safety outcomes of communication difficulties in mixed nationality crews on Greek and Norwegian cargo and passenger vessels. The aims are to examine the prevalence of unsafe situations due to ...
  • Personal, peaceful, progressive: Integration workers’ narratives of refugee settlement and the rural 

    Sætermo, Turid Fånes; Kristensen, Guro Korsnes (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2023)
    Settlement of refugees in rural areas in Norway is part of a national strategy to counter depopulation and thus links to ideas of revitalization and more promising futures for these areas. It also links up to an idea of ...
  • Analyser av Oslo kommunes fordelingssystem: FO4 Sosiale tjenester og ytelser 

    Haraldsvik, Marianne; Nyhus, Ole Henning; Anthun, Kjartan Sarheim; Kalseth, Jorid; Halvorsen, Thomas; Borge, Lars-Erik (SØF rapport (Elektronisk versjon);, Research report, 2023)
    I denne rapporten analyserer vi fordelingsmodellen for sosiale tjenester og ytelser som benyttes til å fordele budsjettmidler mellom bydeler i Oslo kommune. Datagrunnlaget for de empiriske analysene er i hovedsak ...

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